Edition 1: At A Crossroads: Discussing The Important Trends Shaping The Decisions Of Tomorrow 

Discusses political developments like socio-political turbulence in the Ivory Coast, the CDU's struggle over its post-Merkel identity in Germany, a critique of American attempts to re-enter its nuclear deal with Iran, and the broader rule of law questions that are surfacing in the aftermath of the Chauvin verdict in the US. It also contains an interview with Rabbi Abraham Cooper.

Discussion on the Rise of Antisemitism in the US with Rabbi Abraham Cooper

Discussion on the Rise of Antisemitism in the US with Rabbi Abraham Cooper

Following the recent spike in antisemitic incidents over the last couple months, Platform got the chance to interview Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the Associate Dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and a leading figure in the Jewish American community.

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2 min read

In the Shadow of the Chauvin Verdict

On April 21, 2021, Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, was found guilty by a jury of all three charges in causing the death of George Floyd.

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4 min read

Socio-Political Instability in Ivory Coast

On the 31st of October 2020, the people of Ivory Coast went to the ballot box to elect their president. Following the death of Gon Coulibaly, a key favorite in the race, in July 2020, the election was thrown into uncertainty...

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3 min read

Back To Normal? Why American Attempts to Re-enter the JCPOA Are Foolish

When Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, was asked how the 2020 US Presidential election will impact Iranian policy towards the US, in his response, Khamenei...

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3 min read

After Merkel: The CDU’s Identity Crisis?

This week, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) published its programs of policies it will enact, if elected to power in the September elections in Germany...

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5 min read
Editor's Note
We are excited to welcome you all and introduce you to the first issue for Platform magazine: At a Crossroads. Platform is a monthly political magazine covering the key international stories that are shaping societies around the world. Our first issue discusses developments in the Ivory Coast, Germany, and the US, that will have massive implications for upcoming political decisions, by these governments and the citizens these Governments are meant to serve. A politically active and educated citizenry is one of the important criteria for a prosperous future for all of humanity and for understanding and impacting the political decisions that will affect them. Platform seeks to educate and inform our readers about the important issues going on around the world. We hope to broaden the spectrum of the political issues on the minds of our reader base, by discussing a range of global issues and not exclusively Western stories.
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