Edition 10: Shifting Power

Covers Modi's silence on recent outbreaks of incidents of communal violence in India, an analysis of the global balance of power in the aftermath of the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, an article on what Putin's endgame is in Ukraine and whether this can be called a victory for Russia, and an article about the end of mask mandates over Covid. Also present in this edition is an interview with Professor Moghadam on the recent terror wave in Israel.

Putin Needs Something to Call a Victory, But Will a New Offensive in the Donbas be Enough?

Since the onset of his invasion, Vladimir Putin’s forces have lost a staggering 595 tanks, 2,323 vehicles, 301 artillery and AA systems, 64 planes and helicopters, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, 15,000 dead, and, as of last month's figures, upwards of 45,000 casualties...

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15 min read

Why is PM Modi silent about rioting in India?

Possibly due to crowded journalistic headlines on the ongoing war in the Ukraine, acts of “communal violence”, India’s coined term for religious clashes mostly between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority, in India have been given only sporadic coverage as they escalated since last year and continue into 2022.

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5 min read

The End of Unipolarity? Broader Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis

On March 11, 2022, President Joe Biden announced that Russia, due to its war against Ukraine, would no longer have a most favored nation trade status with the US and that he would ban Russian seafood, diamond, and alcohol imports.

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16 min read

The End of Covid: Why Society Needs to End Mask Mandates and Testing

After 2 very long years of COVID-19, society has begun to open up and many pre-COVID activities, such as sports, air travel and enjoying large gatherings and events, have resumed...

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3 min read
A Discussion on Terrorism in Israel with Professor Assaf Moghadam

A Discussion on Terrorism in Israel with Professor Assaf Moghadam

This month Platform had the good fortune to sit down with Professor Assaf Moghadam to speak to him about the recent spate of terror attacks in Israel. Professor Moghadem is the director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University where he also teaches. He has studied and written much about international terrorism.

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6 min read
French Elections: Voices In The Crowd

French Elections: Voices In The Crowd

We asked French citizens with different backgrounds to give their opinions on both rounds of the French presidential election and to share with Platform their voting preferences

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4 min read
Editor's Note
Platform Mag is pleased to pass a historic milestone with this release marking our tenth edition. World events have certainly proven since our first edition that nothing truly remains stagnant and that things have been much changed. Indeed, the edition's cover image, "The Congress of Berlin '', denotes this theme of changes in power. The event that this painting covers was the 1878 Berlin conference of the European great powers. The result of this conference was the carving out of new states and spheres of influence between the great powers in the Balkans in the wake of a Russian invasion of the Ottoman Empire. In our own time, the Russo-Ukrainian conflict has continued to capture the world's attention with the conflict itself perhaps being a marker of a broader shift in the global balance of power. In this edition we are pleased to present two articles with somewhat dissimilar views on the shaping of the conflict. One article argues that the global reaction toward the war has not been to the West's advantage while another article argues that Putin is increasingly desperate for a victory in Ukraine to save face from what has been a costly quagmire for Russia.
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