Edition 11: Liberation: The Journey To Freedom 

Covers an analysis of various elections in April and what they may reveal about the public responsiveness to the sanctions regime on Russia, an article on the function of the Supreme Court, an article on how Ukraine continues to trouble Putin and the threats of the conflict going beyond the borders of Russia and Ukraine, an analysis on the poor economic state of the United States regarding its mounting inflation problem, an interview with MK Yaakov Margi, and a Voices in the Crowd section on how people would vote in the event of another Israeli election.

Discussion on the Israeli Government with Knesset Member Yaakov Margi

Discussion on the Israeli Government with Knesset Member Yaakov Margi

This past month Platform got the chance to sit down with Knesset member Mr. Yakov Margi from Shas. We discussed his thoughts on a range of issues, including the changes made by the current government in its religious policies, his thoughts on a potential new government and Shas’s time in the opposition.

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3 min read
Possible Israeli Elections: Voices In The Crowd

Possible Israeli Elections: Voices In The Crowd

There's been much talk recently of the possibility for the current Israeli government to fall and be replaced by a new coalition or elections. We asked Israelis from different backgrounds and areas, which political parties they'd support and for their thoughts on the performance of the coalition government so far.

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4 min read

To Join, To Defect, Or To Reject: What April’s Elections Reveals About International Coalitions On Russia

To Join, To Defect, Or To Reject: What April’s Elections Reveals About International Coalitions On Russia...

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9 min read

One Vote Away: A Primer to the Supreme Court and Its Legal Powers

With the recent leak over the possible overturning of Roe vs. Wade, people may be asking themselves what is so important about the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade?

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4 min read

Going Regional: The Risks of an Escalating War in Ukraine

With Putin’s invasion of Ukraine entering its 4th month, things are looking grim, and not just for the Russian Army. As badly as this war is going for the wannabe Tzar, neither Ukraine nor the West should rest easy at the prospect of Putin’s failure...

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7 min read

Why the Federal Reserve Raised Interest Rates (A Lot)

It is not challenging for one to see the effects of inflation these days. Across the world, prices have risen for a variety of products and goods, to varying degrees. Oil and gas, food...

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3 min read
Editor's Note
The month of April this year was marked by the Jewish holiday of Passover, which commemorates the Biblical Exodus of the former Israelite slaves from Egypt. One of the holiday rituals to connect the themes of Exodus to our own generation. The most potent theme from the Exodus is that of liberation. The road to freedom is not an easy journey to take and it can be a rather long road until one attains it. After all it took the Israelites 40 years of wandering in the wilderness until they reached their final destination- that of the Holy Land. The beginnings of that seminal journey is depicted by our cover image, "The Israelites Leaving Egypt" painted by David Roberts. In our own time, we must choose what society we wish to live in and these choices determine whether we live life as a free people or not. In effect the chains that we discard or forge by our own generation's actions are our own modern day Exodus. Whether we enter our proverbial Promised Land in our own generation is yet to be determined. Let us choose wisely.
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