Edition 13 (Summer Edition): The Search For Global Leadership

Covers political crisis in Israel and France, the resignation of Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, the legacy and fallout of the assassination of Shinzo Abe, the crisis in Sri Lanka, the ongoing crisis of legitimacy occurring in many of America's institutions, a voices in the crowd section on whether people support the EU's sanctions on Russia, and an interview with the former Member of Knesset Amichai Chikli on Israeli coalition politics.

Discussion on Israeli Coalition Politics with Mr. Amichai Chikli

For our first edition of our second year, Platform got a chance to sit down with a former Israeli Defense Forces commando and Yamina Member of Knesset (MK) Amichai Chikli. He was the first but not the last MK to decide to vote against the coalition and with the recent collapse of the coalition government, we asked him questions about his old party, the government's collapse and his plans for the future...

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3 min read

EU Sanctions On Russia: Voices In The Crowd

For our summer edition we spoke with citizens from a range of countries within the EU. We asked them their thoughts on the ongoing sanctions against Russia and their answers revealed strong public support within the EU to take strong and punitive economic measures against Russia because of its ongoing invasion of Ukraine...

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6 min read

Governments in Crisis: Israel and France

The Israeli government is once more in a state of political crisis. On June 13, 2022, the departure of Member of Knesset Nir Orbach from the anti-Netanyahu governing coalition put the government into...

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6 min read

Shinzo Abe: the Legacy of a Political Titan, and the Crisis of his Assassination

On July 8, Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan was shot from behind at close range while delivering a campaign speech for a fellow Liberal Democratic Party (LPD) candidate...

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4 min read

What on Earth Happened in Sri Lanka? Presidential Resignation, Protestors in the Palace, and an Unresolved Crisis

Anyone with a younger brother knows they have a penchant for breaking things that you build - as exiled and former president Gotabaya Rajapaksa seems to have just done with the political dynasty established by his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005...

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5 min read

On the Perpetuation of America’s Institutions

The date of the 4th of July holds great patriotic significance for Americans since it marks their Independence Day. On this day, eloquent oratory is offered, parades are well attended, and...

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6 min read

Boris Johnson announces his resignation: How It played out and what happens next

On July 7th, Boris Johnson's luck finally ran out, when dozens of members of his administration had quit or called for his resignation within a two day span...

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5 min read
Editor's Note
For the Thirteenth edition of the Platform, which is the first edition of Platform's second year, we decided to create an expanded summer edition which will cover the months of July and August. The theme of our summer edition is "the global search for new leadership" and across the globe, the need for new leadership has been felt. Shinzo Abe's assassination marks the end of a powerful political career, leaving a hole in Japanese politics for a leader of comparable stature. The collapse of the Sri Lankan government/Rajapaksa administration amidst a serious crisis for Sri Lanka's economy, has made the need for new and more effective Sri Lankan leadership even more urgent and Boris Johnson's resignation announcement in July has led to the Tories beginning the process of choosing his successor and the next Prime Minister of the UK. The upcoming month of September will mark the transition to fall and for many families, the transition back to school, but it will also be a time of transition for many governments around the world, as changes in the status quo are implemented and new leadership is chosen.
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