Edition 14: Democracies Under Threat

Throughout the world, democratic ideals and nations are under threat. Explore this edition to learn more about these challenges for democratic governance!

Discussion on European Politics with Dr. Gusenbauer

This month Platform got the chance to sit down with Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, the former Chancellor of Austria from January 2007 to December of 2008. Dr. Gusenbauer has also worked in a variety of other fields, including consulting, work in academia and is a member of 7 different corporate boards. We discussed his views on European politics and the recent election win for Italy's far right party, the Brothers of Italy...

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4 min read

Perspectives On Iran's Nuclear Program: Voices In The Crowd

We asked citizens from across Europe about the recent and ongoing protests in Iran and breaking off of negotiations between the West and Iran over its nuclear program to gauge how much they were following the Iranian nuclear issue and to discover their opinions on what should be done about it...

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6 min read

American and European Inflation: The Tale of Two Continents

Everyone is aware and most likely has felt the impact of inflation in recent years. In the US and the EU, at the time of writing, the annual inflation rates are respectively 8.26% and 10.1%. To put this into perspective, the long-term...

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4 min read

Sowing Dragon’s Teeth: Chinese and American Tensions Over Taiwan

On August 2nd, a plane carrying Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States’ House of Representatives, touched down in Taiwan (more formally known as the Republic of China). Pelosi’s visit...

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7 min read

Why It's Time to Stop Pretending that Abbas Is a Partner for Peace

On September 22nd during a speech in front of the UN, Yair Lapid stated his belief that, “An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples, is the right thing for Israel’s security”...

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3 min read

How Liz Truss failed to get any trust in her ability to govern the UK

Only 45 days after becoming the prime minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss announced her resignation stating “I recognize I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by Conservative party”...

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4 min read

The Kherson Catch 22: Why Losing Kherson Costs so Much More Than Just One City

Two months after the onset of the Ukrainian counter offensive at the beginning of September the stance of the conflict has changed dramatically. Ukrainian forces have liberated more than 10,000 square kilometers...

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7 min read
Editor's Note
The theme for the news cycle this month is “Democracies Under Threat”. Throughout the world, democratic ideals and nations are under threat. As the status quo with Taiwan is in increasing danger of being upended, Taiwan’s democratic nature is threatened. Ukraine is in the midst of an immense struggle with Russia, as it fights to protect its independence and democracy. Other threats have manifested themselves through the ballot box, by producing poor leaders that erode public confidence in democratic values and processes. As we head into elections around the world, we must be mindful of our common privilege and responsibility to thoughtfully participate in choosing those who govern us.
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