3 min read
American Elections: Voices In The Crowd

As the Republican party recovers from its disappointing performance in the November 2022 Midterm Election, it needs to develop new strategies for its voter outreach. Amidst the GOP’s many failures in its midterms results, there was a small glimmer of hope. Lee Zeldin lost by only a small margin, managing to gain over 47% of the overall vote count. In preparation for the Presidential elections in 2024, Republicans will need to build on this effort in New York and other traditionally democratic states, to adjust for previously traditional red states, trending more and more purple in the last couple elections. After all, the last time traditionally blue states (like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan) voted red, the Republicans won the presidential elections. Therefore, we caught up with Americans from a variety of traditionally blue states and asked them about their past participation in the 2022 midterms, their preferred candidate for 2024 and the likelihood of them switching their vote to a different party. Given the usual disparity in voter turnout for midterm and presidential elections, it is unsurprising that many respondents did not vote in the midterms but did plan to vote in the presidential elections. Judging by the enthusiasm shown by many Republican voters, Ron DeSantis may be the next Presidential nominee for the GOP.

Question 1: Did you vote in the November midterms, if so, who did you vote for and why?

Sam from New Jersey: I didn't vote because New Jersey already finished its election for governor earlier in 2022 and our state had no Senate races.

Israel from California: No, I didn't vote.

Issac from Maryland: I didn't vote in the November midterms.

Michelle from California: I didn't vote in the midterms.

Amit from New York: I didn't vote.

Mendel from New Jersey: I didn't vote in the midterms, for a simple reason; I wasn't in the US during the elections.

Henry from Virginia: I filed for an absentee ballot 3 weeks in advance of the election, but either through a delayed delivery or an issue along the way it never arrived (even after the election). If I had been able to cast my ballot it would have been for my incumbent representative Donald McEachin. Not only did his political views align with my moderate progressive stance, but he was also an active member of the Richmond community for decades.

Ilan from Illinois: I filed for an absentee ballot back in August before I left the state for a job. It never arrived. I got them to send me a second ballot but that too never arrived. I would have voted otherwise for the Republican ticket due to a combinition of ideological and economical reasons.

Question 2: Who is your preferred candidate for 2024?

Sam from New Jersey: I really like Ron Desantis, for a number of reasons: 1) he doesn't have the political baggage that Trump does, 2) he’s less of a “loose cannon” then Trump is and 3) his platform is just as conservative as Trump’s, if not more.

Israel from California: I'm not sure who's running in 2024.

Issac from Maryland: I would say Ron DeSantis. I think Trump has too many haters to get elected again, but I'd also be happy if he were the nominee as well.

Michelle from California: Not sure, haven't settled yet on my preferred candidate.

Amit from New York: I’d vote for Ron Desantis.

Mendel from New Jersey: I am currently inclined towards DeSantis as my preferred candidate, as I don't see our current or previous president fit to run a country.

Henry from Virginia: I'm not sure if I have a preferred candidate in 2024. Biden is just too old for me to be comfortable shoehorning him in - even with the incumbent advantage and all. Generally speaking I want to move away from the gerontocracy, so either a young Democratic candidate from the 2020 primaries, or a new face. However, I'm not going to support any candidate's platform that is too reactionary or intolerantly progressive.

Ilan from Illinois: Not sure yet. I think it is too early for DeSantis. Given that much of the presidency revolves around foreign policy, in that field DeSantis is an unknown quantity. There are certainly issues where he is more vulnerable than Trump that he can be attacked on. The general trend of polling, for what that is worth, shows Trump as the most strongest Republican candidate both in the primaries and in a national race. That could change though. However, Trump has his problems to put it gently. I think a Trump-DeSantis ticket would be an attractive pull for me and other like minded voters.

Question 3: How likely is it that you would vote for a candidate from an opposing party (as the one you usually vote for)?

Sam from New Jersey: Somewhat likely, although the candidate would have to be a moderate that didn't support the more radical elements of the DNC platform, including massive increases in taxes and government spending, removing US aid to Israel and gender transitioning assistance for minors.

Israel from California: I would vote for a candidate from another party if I felt he or she was best for the country and aligned with my values.

Issac from Maryland: Not likely at all. The Democrats are crazy, we all know that. They're also really corrupt and hypocritical. I remember reading about how one of the main democrats that accused Trump of colluding with Russia was recently caught and arrested doing the same thing. Everythings backwards and crooked with the left.

Michelle from California: Highly likely, since my political beliefs don't align with any single party.

Amit from New York: I’d vote for Ron Desantis.

Mendel from New Jersey: For me, I focus more on the candidate rather than the party before choosing my preferred candidate. That being said, I would be shocked if I voted blue.

Henry from Virginia: Given that my options in 2024 would probably be DeSantis or Trump: extremely low. However, for perspective, I might have voted for John McCain over Biden in 2020 if that hypothetical contest had occurred. Unfortunately the two parties are currently far too polarized for me to expect any Republican candidates would sway my vote.

Ilan from Illinois: Not at all likely for the national ticket. None of the hypothetical Democratic candidates where a presidential run is suspected would motivate me to vote for them. Back in 2016 I was somewhat drawn to Jim Webb as an interesting Democratic candidate but he dropped out of the primary race. From what I saw of him [which I grant was very limited] though he left a favorable impression. But I do not see a Jim Webb type Democrat in 2024. I don’t see any other third party like the Greens or Libertarians offering a viable candidate.

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