3 min read
Judicial Reforms: Voices in the Crowd

In the midst of Israel's dynamic political climate, the ongoing judicial protests have captured the attention of citizens from all walks of life. In this edition, we dive deep into the pulse of the nation, engaging directly with Israeli citizens to hear their voices and understand their perspectives on the pressing issue of judicial reforms. From exploring opposition to the proposed changes to discussing the potential impact of these protests, our "Voices in the Crowd" segment brings you firsthand accounts and diverse viewpoints that shape the conversation. We hope you enjoy reading!

Q1: Are you opposed to the judicial reforms, and why (not)?

Simon: Yes, I support the judicial reforms because I dont believe it's good to allow only a few people [the supreme court] have that much power.

Roi: Yes!

Ido: I do not know so much about the judicial reforms and haven't spent too much time looking into it either.

Chai: Yes, I am opposed to the rules that the opposition tries to push. These rules do not align with any of my beliefs, I want Israel to be a democratic country.

Itay: I can agree as well as disagree with a couple of things. But the reform can really divide an important group in Israel: the small group, a lot of the taxes that they pay really impact our country.

Noah: I am opposed to the current proposal for the judicial reforms, but I do see the reason behind it. I think that a majority of 1 is extremely low, but like in many other countries a more serious majority should be able to overturn judicial decisions.

Kalev: My knowledge on the matter is not what I would like it to be, however with the knowledge I do have: It does sound like, especially now, with the majority of the country protesting, like a reform does need to happen within our legal system. However, for that to happen there does need to be a basic guideline and foundation as to what we stand for as a country, to make the reform substantial as well as grounded and morally aligned with the state of Israel.

David: Maybe, I think that the state of Israel is currently dealing with a bad situation and we definitely need to take the time to reevaluate all systems.

Q2: Do you think these protests will succeed in stopping the passing of the judicial reforms?

Simon: I don't think they'll be able to stop the government from passing some measure of judicial reform, but I think it's good that the people are willing to take action to keep the government in check. Too much power to the left or right is a bad thing, I prefer the middle.

Roi: Yes, especially if more army people continue to protest, for example when the pilots didn’t show up for the training flights it made a big difference.

Ido: I think the protests will stop the reforms because of the fact so many people are against them.

Chai: Yes, the people are the sovereign. Power will always be in the hands of the people.

Itay: There are two groups of protesters, those who are in favour and those who are against. It’s hard to say if protests will succeed in anything, as there is an important decision awaiting that is far beyond the impact of protests.

Noah: I do not think that the protests will be enough to stop it completely but it will definitely make a difference since it has already halted the reforms.

Kalev: I do not think the protests will stop the judicial reforms from passing. I think that it is a good way to get the majority of the voices heard, and it would make the government a little bit more open minded. But I do not think it will succeed.

David: I think protests are a necessary part of democracy, however if months of protests didn't better the situation perhaps a different approach is required such as a referendum.

Q3: Did you vote in the last election? If so, who'd you vote for? Would you change your vote if elections were held today?

Simon: Last election I voted for Ben Gvir and I've always voted for the right, but everyone just talks and nothing gets done. Next election day, I'm going to the beach.

Roi: Yes, I voted for Gantz. I might vote for him again but never ever ever for Bibi.

Ido: I voted for Yair Lapid in the last election. I would not change my vote today.

Chai: I voted for the economic party, led by Yaron Zelekha.

Itay: I voted for Gantz, I am glad about my choice right now. I can not say I would change, It is complicated now since many things changed ever since these elections. Meaning there is an entirely new point of view and I would have to look into it in more detail again.

Noah: I voted for Netanyahu but I do not think that I would make the same decision again now. I am in favour of the judicial reforms because i think a change is needed in the appliance of power, in which the candidate has the last word. I would not vote for anyone now, because I do not believe there is anyone who really represents my ideas.

Kalev: I did not vote in the last election, the reason being is that I do not have the knowledge within politics to make the decision as to who should run the country of Israel. More so, I do not have confidence in the government in Israel, but that is a different story. I would lean more towards Bibi, but I would also like to hear what Gantz or Lapid have to say.

David: I did not vote, I feel like I was not well versed enough in the political situation to make a good decision.

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