Edition 2: Why The Status Quo In Societies Around The World Could Be Upended 

Discussions on climate change, the new Israeli government, the changing society in Chile, the Ethiopian-Egyptian dam dispute, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a special interview with a Nobel Prize nominee.

Discussion on Israel and the Middle East with Professor Henrique Cymerman

Discussion on Israel and the Middle East with Professor Henrique Cymerman

Professor Cymerman is President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry between Israel and the GCC and has also been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in facilitating a prayer of peace between Muhammad Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres and is a leading figure in building bridges between the Arab world and Israel.

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9 min read

Climate Change: The Road Ahead

Earth is facing a catastrophic climate emergency, according to 14,000 scientists from 153 countries...

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4 min read

Why People Need to Give a Dam About the GERD

Political tensions have been escalating between Ethiopia and Egypt in a conflict over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the largest hydropower plant on the continent...

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2 min read

Big Brother, Big Bother: A Changing System in Chile and Its Implications

In today's agitated political environment in Chile, fueled by the rapid polarization of ideas, division of classes and...

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5 min read

A Coalition of Sand: Will Israel’s New Government Last?

In the wake of the 2021 elections for the Knesset, Israel’s legislative body, a new government was formed that ousted Benjamin Netanyahu...

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4 min read

Abandoning Afghanistan: Why the US Should Do More to Help Our Afghan Allies

Since the United States became a country, its foreign policy has been split between two paradigms, one that is isolationist in nature and one that is more globalist...

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3 min read
Editor's Note
When we look around the news of the past month or so, one begins to notice a theme in which the stability of governments and indeed, the planet itself, hangs in the balance. Whether it’s the new Israeli government, whose razor thin majority of 61 seats means that its legitimacy is under constant threat from being toppled, or the dispute of the GERD in which the Ethiopian and Egyptian governments have strong contrasting economic and political interests to achieve victory, rather than compromise, the next few months will likely see exciting and dramatic developments on the world stage. As the Jewish world heads into Rosh Hashanah this month, the events around the world tell a fitting tale of a world heading towards a tipping point as we near the Jewish Day of Judgment.
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