Edition 5: Confrontation: The Meaning Of Freedom 

Covers topics from Facebook's new policy change toward journalists and its implications, Chinese hypersonic technology, civil strife in Ethiopia, what conservatives should do about cancel culture, and an interview on Canadian politics with former senator Linda Frum.

Discussion on Canadian Politics with Linda Frum

Discussion on Canadian Politics with Linda Frum

Platform got the chance to sit down with former senator and chair of the conservative senate caucus Linda Frum, to get her thoughts on the recent cabinet reshuffling of Prime minister Trudeau and the overall direction of Canadian politics, following the September elections.

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3 min read

Chinese Space Nukes: A Hypersonic Game Changer?

“I don’t know if it’s quite a Sputnik moment, but I think it’s very close to that. It has all of our attention.” - General Miley, U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs

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4 min read

An Ethiopian Civil War: Conflict in the Tigray Region

Following a series of heavy losses this past month for the Ethiopian army, Ethiopia's prime minister Ahmed Abiy appealed for Ethiopian citizens to join the military in its fight against...

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2 min read

What Conservatives can do to fight back against Cancel Culture

The recent controversy over comments made by Dave Chapelle regarding transgender people, thrust the phenomenoa of cancel culture into the spotlight once again...

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4 min read

Who Watches The Journalists: Journalists’ Freedom from Harassment or Social Criticism?

Corporate media has not been spared from public alienation in this populist age of discontent toward and disillusionment of America’s social and political institutions...

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6 min read
Editor's Note
We are excited to present the Platform's 5th edition titled "Confrontation: The Meaning of Freedom'' on our new website! In keeping with this month's holiday of Hanukkah, which is the holiday that Jews celebrate the heroic feats of the Maccabees and their struggle for independence from the Syrian Greeks, the theme we chose for this month is "Confrontation over Freedom". The question of cancel culture's place in a free society brings to mind societal struggles over the proper way to confront ideas you disagree with and how this phenomenon of cancellation runs antithetical to the free exercise of debate. Authoritarian style journalism in democratic countries ties into this theme of confrontation between those who have the power of the pen and their critics who accuse them of abusing that power. This past month also showed increasing tensions between the free world and China, with the former feeling threatened by China's unexpected mastery over hypersonic technology. The potential of world hegemony by a non-free power like China would have adverse implications on the ability of democratic powers to challenge the allure of dictatorial regimes. Similarly, the divisions between independence-seeking Ethiopian groups like the Tigray independence movement who accuse the central government of trampling over their national rights heightens the possibility of civil war.
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