Edition 8: Mounting Tensions

Articles in this edition cover the separate Russian and Ukrainian strategies to win the war, the serious flaws with Amnesty International's report on Israel, an analysis of the style of the American State of the Union, and a case for an election system based on the Borda system. Also includes a Voices in the Crowd section on the worldwide inflation crisis.

A Discussion on Israeli Foreign Policy and Netanyahu with Likud Foreign Affairs Director Eli Vered Hazan

A Discussion on Israeli Foreign Policy and Netanyahu with Likud Foreign Affairs Director Eli Vered Hazan

This month Platform got a chance to sit down with Mr. Eli Vered Hazan, the Foreign Affairs Director for the Likud. He shared his thoughts on the foreign affairs record of the current Israeli government, his experience working with Benjamin Netanyahu, the future of the Likud leadership, and the legacy of Netanyahu's foreign policy.

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5 min read
Canadian Trucker Protest: Voices In The Crowd

Canadian Trucker Protest: Voices In The Crowd

This month's Voices in the Crowd covers the impact of the Canadian Trucker Convoy over the Covid-related government imposed measures on the public like the vaccine mandate. We spoke to Canadians to see...

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5 min read

The War in Yemen: Time is Running Out for the Saudis

On January 21, 2022 the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen bombed a detention center in the Houthi rebel heartland of Saada killing 70 people. The U.N Secretary-General Antonio...

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2 min read

Kazakhstan's Protests: Analyzing Kazakhstan's Recent Violence

On January 2nd, protestors took to the street in Zhanaozen, a city in the western region of Kazakhstan, to demonstrate against the government's removal of a cap on fuel prices the previous day...

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3 min read

The Whisker and the Fang: A Darker Side of China’s Two-Faced Posture in Outer Space

“The mission of China's space program is: to explore outer space to expand humanity's understanding of the earth and the cosmos; to facilitate global consensus on our shared responsibility in utilizing outer space for peaceful purposes and...

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6 min read

Israel In A New Middle East: Israeli Coalition Politics

The Abraham Accords, which are the series of agreements by various Sunni Islamic states to sign normalization deals with the State of Israel, were a major diplomatic breakthrough in the annals of the Arab Israeli conflict.

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6 min read
Editor's Note
The month of January was in many respects one of mounting tensions filled with a mix of moments of hopeful aspirations and dark despair. The continuing Russo-Ukrainian crisis, a subject of discussion in Platform's previous two editions, continued to keep many in suspense. Cries of imminent invasion of Ukraine by Washington D.C. were conflicted by President Zelensky of Ukraine projecting a sense of normalcy and downplaying such predictions of impending threats. Added to this confused chorus of voices of whether Russia will invade were the diplomatic efforts headed by President Macron of France who tried to parley with the Russians. Amid the tumult that has followed this crisis, Platform Mag is proud to present its 8th edition which deals with topics that tie into this general theme. In Israel, the fragile governing coalition that includes an Arab party is again tested by Bedouins rioting in the Negev over land disputes. In China, there are attempts to mask its militarized space program in its competition for hegemony with the United States. This edition also brings updates from the prolonged Saudi war in Yemen as it continues after years of trying to defeat Houthi forces. There is an additional article on the chasm between the Kazakhstani protesters and their government.

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