The Platform Mag was created to give a Platform to both sides of the political aisle. Therefore, our editorial process focuses solely on the quality of the writing, without regard to the angle/political leaning of the article, as long as within the confines of the law of the country of publication. Plagiarism or the knowing provision of demonstrably false information, as well as hate speech / calls for violence will not be published, and in case of disagreement will be up to our discretion.

Structure of Articles


Quotes, dates and statistics cited in articles need to be hyperlinked to their relevant source. We recommend (but do not require) hyperlinking novel or technical terms to a source so that readers can learn more about these terms. In the event that a quote, date, or statistic is challenged by our editors on evidentiary grounds, the author is expected to provide primary source refutation of the challenge. 

Word Count & Styling

As of August 2023, the length of articles must be between 800-2000 words. We have also updated the guidelines for article titles, which are now limited to a maximum of 12 words.


As of August 2023, all articles must include photographs. Contributors must include one photo per every 400 words written. Contributors should have all photos adapted for copyright compliance. To ensure photos meet the necessary standards, contributors should reach out to


Topics for Articles must be submitted by the 13th of every month and should be sent to First drafts are due on the 20th of every month and submissions should also be sent to The final versions of articles must be ready by the 27th of every month.