Edition 3: Will There Be Accountability?

Contains articles focused on recent and historical issues in the US and Israel and a featured interview with Professor Elliot Abrams

Discussion on Venezuela with Professor Elliott Abrams

Discussion on Venezuela with Professor Elliott Abrams

Professor Abrams was a special representative for Venezuela for the Trump Administration and has also served in the Bush and Reagan administrations as deputy NSA advisor and assistant secretary of state respectively and is currently a senior fellow at the council of foreign relations.

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5 min read

Collision course? How Israel and Hezbollah may be forced to fight another war within the year

On August 5th 2021, Hezbollah fired more than a dozen rockets at northern Israel for the first time, since the last Lebanon war in 2006 which killed 1200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis...

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3 min read

The Fall of Afghanistan: How We Spent A Trillion Dollars To Replace The Taliban With The Taliban

The rapid fall of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on August 15th without a serious fight and the flight of the deposed president Ashraf Ghani, reportedly...

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8 min read

Everything We Know About Andrew Cuomo’s Resignation: What has happened so far and what is to come

After insisting that he “wasn’t going anywhere”, Former Governor Andrew Cuomo officially resigned from his position...

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6 min read

The Legacy of 9/11: A Personal Account on the 20th Anniversary and the Message of Its Tragic Attacks

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 was a Tuesday, which felt like any other ordinary work day, until it wasn't. The illusions of normalcy were shattered when flight 11 crashed...

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2 min read
Editor's Note
The events of the past month have demonstrated the power of a politically educated and active citizenry. When citizens hold their government and leaders accountable there can be significant changes. Andrew Cuomo, once seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party, was removed from power in disgrace after wave after wave of sexual harassment accusations forced him to resign to avoid potential impeachment. Hassan Nasrallah will have to explain to his fellow Lebanese any involvement in Iranian action against Israel. In our interview with Professor Elliott Abrams, the former Special Representative for Venezuela during the Trump administration, we discussed the agreement to hold elections and the public feeling towards Maduro. Finally, Afghanistan and 9/11 have shown the ill effects of poor decisions inspired by public urges, particularly anger. Hope you all enjoy reading!
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