Taiwan, formally known as the Republic of China (and hereafter in this article referred to as Taiwan), featured prominently in the news recently...
The Platform got the chance to sit with (reserve) Brigadier General Nitzan Nuriel to discuss his background and military service and his thoughts on the implications of a potential war with Iran in the near future...
Taiwan, formally known as the Republic of China (and hereafter in this article referred to as Taiwan), featured prominently in the news recently...
On September 26th Germany elected a new parliament. The results confirmed what polls in the weeks before the election had predicted:...
On August 26, 1960 Presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy gave his views on Israel to a convention of American Zionists, “Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish...
On October 4th, Facebook and its subsidiaries (Instagram and Whatsapp) were hit with an almost 6 hour long outage that saw the company lose around $65 Million in Ad revenue and 4.9% of its stock value by the time it was over...