The War in Yemen: Time is Running Out for the Saudis

On January 21, 2022 the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen bombed a detention center in the Houthi rebel heartland of Saada killing 70 people. The U.N Secretary-General Antonio...

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2 min read

Kazakhstan's Protests: Analyzing Kazakhstan's Recent Violence

On January 2nd, protestors took to the street in Zhanaozen, a city in the western region of Kazakhstan, to demonstrate against the government's removal of a cap on fuel prices the previous day...

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3 min read

The Whisker and the Fang: A Darker Side of China’s Two-Faced Posture in Outer Space

“The mission of China's space program is: to explore outer space to expand humanity's understanding of the earth and the cosmos; to facilitate global consensus on our shared responsibility in utilizing outer space for peaceful purposes and...

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6 min read

Israel In A New Middle East: Israeli Coalition Politics

The Abraham Accords, which are the series of agreements by various Sunni Islamic states to sign normalization deals with the State of Israel, were a major diplomatic breakthrough in the annals of the Arab Israeli conflict.

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6 min read